Cabinet Refacing vs. Purchasing New Cabinets: Pros and Cons

Cabinet Refacing


  1. Cost-Effective:
    • Cabinet refacing is generally more budget-friendly than purchasing entirely new cabinets.
    • You save on labor costs because the existing cabinet frames remain in place.
  2. Quick and Convenient:
    • Refacing is a faster process compared to a complete cabinet replacement.
    • Most refacing projects can be completed within a few days.
  3. Updated Appearance:
    • Refacing gives your cabinets a fresh look by replacing doors and drawer fronts.
    • You can choose from various materials, finishes, and styles to match your desired aesthetic.


  1. Limited Material Options:
    • Refacing restricts your material choices to what can be applied to existing cabinet surfaces.
    • If you want a completely different material (e.g., switching from wood to laminate), refacing may not be suitable.
  2. Structural Limitations:
    • Refacing does not address any structural issues with the existing cabinet boxes.
    • If your cabinets are old or poorly constructed, refacing won’t improve their durability.

Purchasing New Cabinets


  1. Customization:
    • New cabinets allow complete customization, from design to material selection.
    • You can optimize storage, layout, and functionality according to your specific needs.
  2. Quality and Durability:
    • New cabinets are built to modern standards, ensuring sturdiness and longevity.
    • You have control over the quality of materials used.
  3. Full Transformation:
    • Purchasing new cabinets provides a complete makeover for your kitchen or bathroom.
    • You can change the entire style, color, and layout.


  1. Higher Cost:
    • New cabinets are typically more expensive than refacing.
    • The cost includes both materials and labor for installation.
  2. Extended Timeline:
    • A full cabinet replacement takes longer due to removal, delivery, and installation.
    • Your kitchen or bathroom may be out of commission for an extended period.
  3. Waste and Environmental Impact:
    • Replacing cabinets generates more waste compared to refacing.
    • Consider the environmental impact of discarding old cabinets.


Both cabinet refacing and purchasing new cabinets have their merits. Consider your budget, timeline, and desired outcome when making your decision. Whether you choose to reface or replace, prioritize functionality, aesthetics, and long-term satisfaction.

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