How to Hide Small Kitchen Appliances

When designing a kitchen remodel, it’s often desirable to hide small kitchen appliances to maintain a clean and clutter-free appearance. Here are some of the best ways to achieve this:

1. Appliance garages: Appliance garages are built-in cabinets or shelving units that can be closed off with retractable doors or roll-top mechanisms. They provide a designated space for small appliances, such as toasters, blenders, or mixers, keeping them easily accessible but concealed when not in use.

2. Pull-out shelves or drawers: Install pull-out shelves or drawers in your cabinetry specifically designed to accommodate small appliances. These shelves can be easily pulled forward, allowing you to access the appliances when needed, and pushed back to keep them hidden from view.

3. Dedicated pantry or utility room: If you have enough space in your kitchen design, consider incorporating a separate pantry or utility room. This area can be designed to house all your small appliances, along with other kitchen essentials, leaving the main kitchen space uncluttered.

4. Built-in appliances: Opt for built-in appliances that seamlessly integrate with your cabinetry. For example, you can have a built-in microwave or coffee machine installed within a wall or cabinet, creating a streamlined and cohesive look.

5. Under-cabinet storage: Utilize the space beneath your upper cabinets by installing hidden compartments or shelves. This area can be used to store small appliances like toasters or coffee makers, keeping them off the countertops and out of sight.

6. Concealing panels: Consider using concealed panels that match your cabinet design to cover appliances like dishwashers or refrigerators. These panels create a cohesive appearance and make the appliances blend in with the rest of the cabinetry.

7. Dedicated appliance closet: If you have a larger kitchen or pantry area, you can designate a specific closet or cupboard for storing small appliances. This closet can be customized with shelves, hooks, or sliding trays to maximize storage space and keep appliances organized and hidden.

8. Folding or sliding doors: Incorporate folding or sliding doors into your kitchen design to conceal small appliances when they are not in use. These doors can be mounted on cabinets or shelving units, allowing you to easily hide or reveal the appliances as needed.

Remember, when planning your kitchen remodel, it’s important to consider your specific needs, available space, and budget. Discussing your requirements with a professional kitchen designer can help you find the best solutions for hiding small kitchen appliances while maintaining functionality and aesthetic appeal.